Love at First Slight - 1 in English Love Stories by Prem Charthad books and stories PDF | Love at First Slight - 1

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Love at First Slight - 1

Mother: "Rahul, get ready, we're going to the temple."

Rahul: "Mom, I don't want to go."

Mother: "What do you mean you don't want to go? We go to the temple every week."

Rahul: "I know, but today I don't feel like it. Can't we go another day?"

Mother: "Rahul, we can't just change our plans like that. Besides, it's good for you to spend some time in spiritual pursuits."

Rahul: "But Mom, I'm not in the mood. Can't Aarushi go with you instead? She's going to tuition anyway."

Mother: "Aarushi has her own schedule to keep, and besides, she's too young to go alone. You're older, and it's your responsibility to accompany me."

Rahul: "But Mom...please? Just this once?"

Mother: "Rahul, no arguments. Get ready, we're leaving in 15 minutes."

Rahul: _sighs_ "Okay, fine..."

Rahul's mother wore a beautiful saree that shone in the light. The saree was turquoise and green with golden edges and patterns. She also wore a special necklace called a mangalsutra, which was black and gold. It symbolized her love and marriage. She looked very elegant and graceful, and her smile lit up the room. The saree and mangalsutra made her look like a queen!

Rahul dressed up in a simple yet stylish outfit. He wore a white kurta, a traditional Indian tunic, made of soft cotton. The kurta had intricate embroidery on the sleeves and chest, adding a touch of elegance to his overall look.

He paired the kurta with black jeans, which fit him perfectly, and a pair of black shoes that shone like mirrors. A black belt around his waist added a sleek touch to his outfit.

Rahul's hair was neatly combed, and he had a small smile on his face, which added to his charming appearance. He looked handsome and well-groomed, ready to accompany his mother to the temple.

Rahul: "Mom, can we please take the car to the temple? I don't want to walk in this heat."

Mom: "No, beta, we will walk barefoot. It's not far, and it's good for our souls."

Rahul: "But, Mom, I'm wearing my new shoes! I don't want them to get dusty."

Mom: "Your shoes will survive, but your soul needs the exercise. Besides, it's a beautiful day, and the walk will do us good."

Rahul: "But, Mom, I'm not a saint! I don't need to punish my feet like this."

Mom: (laughs) "Oh, Rahul, you're so dramatic! It's just a short walk. Come on, let's go!"

Rahul: (sighs) "Fine, but if I get a single blister, I'm blaming you!"

As Radha descended the temple stairs, her saree fluttering gracefully around her, she was lost in the devotion of her worship. The aarti plate in her hand seemed to glow with an otherworldly light, reflecting the serenity on her face. Her earnings sparkled, and the nose pin glistened, adding to her ethereal beauty. The anklet on her leg seemed to tinkle in harmony with her footsteps.

Suddenly, her reverie was broken as she collided with a boy on the stairs. His hand instinctively reached out to steady her, and their palms touched. The unexpected contact sent a jolt through both of them. As they gazed into each other's eyes, time seemed to stand still.

The boy's fair skin and chiseled features seemed to radiate an aura of kindness. His dark hair was messy, and his eyes were like deep pools of water, drawing Radha in with their warmth. He wore a simple white kurta and black jeans, which seemed to accentuate his gentle demeanor.

As they stood there, frozen in time, the boy's mom called out again, "Rahul! Rahul, beta! Come down quickly!"

The boy's eyes never left Radha's face as he whispered, "Sorry...I think my mom's calling me."

Radha's cheeks flushed as she gently freed her hand from his. "It was my fault...sorry."

The boy's apologetic smile could have melted hearts. "No, no, it's okay. I'm the one who should be sorry. Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

Radha's heart skipped a beat at his concern. "No, I'm fine. Thank you for asking."

As they parted ways, Radha couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. She descended the stairs, her mind replaying the brief encounter.

Meanwhile, Rahul's mom was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, a look of concern on her face. "Rahul, what took you so long? And who was that girl?"

Rahul's eyes still lingered on Radha's retreating figure. "Just someone I bumped into, Mom. She was...beautiful."

His mom's expression softened. "Ah, I see. Well, maybe you'll see her again sometime."

Rahul's heart skipped a beat at the possibility. "Yeah, maybe."

As they walked away from the temple, Radha's thoughts were filled with the boy whose hand had touched hers. She couldn't explain the connection she felt, but it lingered like a whispered promise.

"Mom, can we come back to the temple soon?" Rahul asked, his eyes still searching for Radha in the crowd.

His mom smiled knowingly. "We'll come back soon, beta. Maybe you'll find your beautiful stranger again."